What is the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board?
The Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board (USHRAB) is a 7-member board that undertakes statewide planning for historical records in Utah. It was organized in 1978. Board members come from a variety of institutions, including counties, municipalities, and universities. The Board meets 3 times a year: January, April, and September. Their mission is to assist public and private nonprofit organizations throughout the state in the preservation and use of records of enduring value. Over the past several years the USHRAB has worked to establish a regional repository program to assist with these responsibilities. Currently, there are eleven officially recognized regional repositories in the state. The USHRAB also reviews grant proposals submitted to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) from organizations in Utah.
To further its mission, the USHRAB manages a re-grant program to increase preservation and access to historical records in Utah. Each year the USHRAB applies for a grant from the NHPRC to support the Board’s activities and to continue its re-grant program. The money received from the NHPRC is then re-granted to Utah institutions. The re-grant program has been active for the past 10 years and has awarded $205,000 to over 100 applicants from cultural heritage institutions. Grant projects focus on increasing preservation and access to Utah’s historical records.
Over the next few months, we will highlight completed re-grant projects here on our blog. We are excited to share the projects we have helped fund. Working together with institutions throughout the state, the USHRAB is committed to preserving Utah’s historical records for future generations. For more information on the USHRAB and its re-grant program, visit the Archives website.
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