
Division of Archives and Records Service

2018 RIMM Webinar Series is Just Around the Corner!

Kendra Yates
April 6, 2018

Sit back and enjoy your lunch while watching a series of webinars that Utah’s Division of Archives and Records Service (aka State Archives) is hosting to celebrate Records and Information Management Month (RIMM).

Paul TonksWednesday, April 11, 2018. Noon-1:00 p.m.

2018 Legislative Updates by Paul Tonks, AAG counsel for the Division of Archives and the State Records Committee

During the 2018 Legislative Session, the Legislature made important changes to GRAMA and OPMA that may effect you as records officers and chief administrative officers. Tune in to this webinar to find out what changed!

Paul Tonks has been the Assistant Attorney General counsel for the Division of Archives and Records Service and for the State Records Committee for 10 years.

This is a live webinar. Use this link to join the event:


Rosemary CundiffWednesday, April 18, 2018. Noon-1:00 p.m.

Intriguing State Records Committee Hearings by Rosemary Cundiff, Government Records Ombudsman

Rosemary will discuss significant and interesting GRAMA request denials that have been appealed and heard by the State Records Committee.

Rosemary is the government records ombudsman at the Utah State Archives. In that role, she is required to be familiar with GRAMA so that she can assist government employees as well as the general public with issues related to GRAMA records requests. Rosemary has worked for the Utah State Archives for nearly 18 years and has been the ombudsman for six years.

This is a live webinar. Use this link to join the event:


Amy Lewis

Wednesday, April 25, 2018. Noon-1:00 p.m.

Dusting Off the Big Picture: a Case Study by Amy Lewis, Records Supervisor at the Utah State Developmental Center

Amy will tell her story of initiating and completing a records cleanup project in order to preserve historical records. 

Amy Lewis serves the Utah State Developmental Center (USDC) in American Fork, which provides an “array of critical services and support that promote independence and quality of life for Utah’s most vulnerable people with disabilities.” She started working at USDC 7 years ago, and has been the Records Supervisor since October, 2015. Her favorite things are campfires, Mt.Dew, the fresh smell of pine needles in the outdoors, and her family.

This is a live webinar. Use this link to join the event:


Rebekkah ShawWednesday, May 2, 2018. Noon-1:00 p.m.

Introducing the New General Retention Schedule Interface by Rebekkah Shaw, Records Analyst at the Division of Archives and Records Service

The general retention schedule interface on the Archives’ website is getting a facelift! Rebekkah will explain why, how, and what has changed, then demonstrate how to use the new interface and answer users’ questions.

Rebekkah Shaw started with the Division of Archives and Records Service almost 9 years ago and as a records analyst she has been updating general retention schedules since 2014.

This is a live webinar. Use this link to join the event:


Register for Webinars


Utah Division of Archives and Records Service