New World War I Records Online: National Guard 145th Field Artillery Scrapbook, 1917-1918
Archives Month is here again and this year we are focusing on the centenary anniversary of the end of the First World War. With that in mind, we will be posting weekly blogs discussing the war related records in our collections that we have digitized for you to access online.
National Guard 145th Field Artillery scrapbook, 1917-1918. (Series 10339)
As the United States was entering the Great War, Utah’s National Guard was mobilized to support the war effort, specifically what became the 145th Field Artillery. The Statistical Section of the regiment created a scrapbook explaining how President Wilson tried to persuade the nation to join the war, how Utah’s National Guard was mobilized, and listing the names of the Utah soldiers.
Some of the interesting tidbits include excerpts from President Wilson’s Address to Congress, a pamphlet titled “The War Message and Facts Behind it,” and the President’s Flag Day Address. It also includes more general information about the unit.
The records you can see in the Utah Digital Archives were digitized from microfilm created in 1975. Sadly, many of the images are not very clear. Since the original scrapbook is no longer available, the microfilm is the only remaining copy. Even so, we are excited that this scrapbook is now available online. Take a look and step back into the world where the Great War is raging and our nation is gearing up for a fight!
Also, remember our Brown Bag Lunches are every Wednesday at noon in October! Next week (October 10) Rebekkah Shaw and Nathan Gardner will present “Sharing Valuable Family Records.” Come learn about a great WWI Family History find and how to help everyone in the family access such records. The session will include discussions about digitization and transcription of personal family records.
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