Access the certification test (Local Government)

Elizabeth PerkesCertification

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions for Records Officers

1. Go to the Records Officer Hub.

2. Log in to Utah ID as prompted. (Utah ID help)

3. Select Take Certification Test:

4. You’ll be asked to sign in using your email address (as your account username) and the default password (“Password1” without quotes).

5. Once signed in, appointed records officers are automatically assigned the Records Officer Certification Course:

Note: If you don’t go directly to the certification course, do a search for “records officer certification” and select the first result.

6. The Records Officer Certification Course contains two “classes” or assessments:

  • The Utah Records Access (GRAMA) class—take this if you handle or process records requests.
    This is an interactive, learn-as-you-go experience.
  • The Records and Information Management (RIM) Essentials class—take this if you do not handle or process records requests.
    This is a standard multiple-choice test, with a study guide. The test is open book with no time limit. Passing is 75% or higher.

You don’t need to pass both classes to certify, but you may do so if you’d like. Also, you’re welcome to alternate classes every other year to spice things up and maximize your professional skills. Both classes count equally for certification.

The two class options look like this:

7. Select Launch to start the class, and follow the prompts. Be aware that the test launches in a pop-up window, so if you have a pop-up blocker enabled you’ll see a message similar to this:

If that’s the case, disable the pop-up blocker and re-launch the test.

8. If you leave the test before completing it, your progress will be saved and you can resume the test at any time.

9. When you pass the class, you’ll receive an email confirming that you passed, along with a certificate of achievement:

Instructions specific to the RIM Essentials Class

1. Once you’ve answered the questions and submitted your test, you’ll receive your score:

2. You can view more details about your test at any time by going to the course in the Utah Learning Portal and clicking on View Results:

3. You can view the answers you selected on the assessment by clicking the down arrow to the right of “View Results” and selecting View Answers:

Step by Step Instructions for Others

1. Local government employees who are not appointed records officers can take the certification course. The process for accessing the test (as described above) will be the same for non-records officers, with one exception: non-records officers will need to create an account in the Utah Learning Portal the first time they’re prompted to sign in. To create an account, select “Sign Up” on the “Sign in” page:

2. Fill out the required fields. DO NOT change the Security Keyword, which is already populated:

3. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be prompted to sign in using your new account username (email address) and chosen password.

You’ll be logged in to the Utah Learning Portal with the Records Officer Certification Course assigned to you. It will look like this:

Note: If you don’t go directly to the certification course, do a search for “records officer certification” and select the first result.

Troubleshooting for Non-Records Officers

If you try to create a new account and you are already in the Utah Learning Portal system, you’ll receive this error message:

If this is the case, click the link provided to login, or click to reset your password.

If you try to sign in and you’re not yet in State Archives’ system, you’ll receive this error message:

If this is the case, go to the Records Officer Hub and sign up as a GOV (government employee). See instructions at

If you need help, please contact us at [email protected] or 801-531-3863.

This page last updated 6 January 2025.