Just Getting Started
Records and Information Management
Starting from scratch?
Previous records officers may not have left information about what records management work they did, so this page is a starting point to finding, accessing, and updating records and information management information for your agency.
Who's who at your agency?
View and update your agency's records officers and other role assignments at the Records Officer Hub. Detailed how-to instructions are in our Learning Center.

Your agency's retention schedules
Your agency may already have created retention schedules.
For local agencies, retention schedules are most likely documented in resolutions, ordinances, or code.
For state agencies and some local agencies, retention schedules are documented within State Archives' system.
Your agency's boxes
If your agency ever transferred boxes to the State Records Center or State Archives, you can request a box list showing information about those boxes.
Who's who at State Archives?
State Archives has a records and information management specialist available to assist you with your records-related questions. Visit our "Get help" page to find your specialist and others to contact at State Archives.
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Certification and training
Learn more about certification options and online training.
About retention schedules
FAQ about retention schedules.
Create or revise a retention schedule
Fill out this form to create a new retention schedule or revise an existing retention schedule.
Get help with a GRAMA request
The Government Records Ombudsman can help with requests and mediation.