Mini-Grant Applications Accepted until December 19th
The Utah State Archives and Records Service under the auspices of the Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board has grant funding available to non-profit organizations and local governments for historical records preservation projects. Funding can be used to help repositories statewide preserve at-risk, historic records and to provide access to important collections. Historical records preservation projects might include purchasing archival supplies to house historical records, processing or organizing historical records, purchasing disaster recovery supplies, or performing a records inventory. Grant funds are not available for digitization projects.
These mini-grants are intended for short-term projects and the maximum award is $750. All grants require a one-to-one in-kind and/or cash match. Grants must be completed with reimbursement forms submitted by June 14, 2013. Grant funding comes from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Applications are required and must be received by December 19, 2012. Grant projects cannot begin before February 15, 2013. We require each grant applicant to have a Dunn & Bradstreet Number (DUNS) before submitting an application. The grant guidelines and application are available at For further information, contact Janell Tuttle at [email protected].
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