
Division of Archives and Records Service

General Schedules First Big Step

Rebekkah Shaw
July 16, 2013

A meeting was held in May with several school districts, an attorney, the Government Records Ombudsman, and record analysts. The first draft was reviewed and edited. The updated draft has been sent to the Appointed Record Officers of every school district in Utah for their input.

The following general retention schedules will be presented to the State Records Committee at their next meeting on August 8th. So it begins! I am excited to present the Student General Schedule for your input. There are 28 general schedules that will fall into these eight new schedules.

Schedule & Description Existing GRS


Student Records
-1- AttendanceMinors between age 6 and 18 are legally required to attend school. These are records of student attendance, absences and tardiness. SD 17-1, 17-16,19-4, 19-5

4 years

UCA 53A-11-101 thru 105 (2012)
-2- Enrollment and RegistrationThese records capture the necessary information to enroll a student in a particular school and document their course of study. The application process of those seeking to home school or participate in alternative programs is included in this schedule. SD 17-7, 17-8,17-10, 17-11, 19-25, 19-47, 19-49, 19-52, 19-54, 19-25, 19-50,

Superseded, do not retain past graduation

UCA 53A-2-207 (2012)UCA 53A-1a-502.5 (2012)R277-437 (2012) and 438-8 (2008)

R277-713 (2012) 472 (2010)

UCA 53A-2-205 (1988)

-3- Medical Log Records These records are maintained to ensure that students meet mandated health requirements to attend school and to ensure that, as appropriate, medical needs are met during school hours. SD 17-5, 19-29, 19-25, 19-50

Graduation +3 years

(3 years after graduation or after student leaves the school)

UCA 53A-11-601(1)(2008)ISIS (statewide immunization program)
-4- Performance and Testing These records document student performance and educational history. They include test scores, grades, and any other progress or performance measures. SD 19-20, 19-53, 19-60

Graduation +3 years

(3 years after graduation or after student leaves the school)

34 CFR 99 (2008)UCA 53A-1-603 (2012)UCA 53A-11-102 (2009)
-5- Student History This information includes each student’s name, date of birth, parents or guardians; date student entered and exited school and the number of days in attendance.


Transfer to Archives

DREAM ACT (S. 952, H.R. 1842, S. 1258). (2012)
-6- Discipline Student misconduct may be the subject of disciplinary action if the conduct disrupts the educational environment, threaten or harm persons or property, or disrupt school activities. Any record or information that is created or used to address student misconduct is included. SD 17-21, 19-48, 19-61

Retain until issue resolved and

Admin. Need ends

UCA 53A-11-901 (2007)UCA 53A-11-902 (2010)UCA 53A-11-907 (2007)


-7- Permission and Passes These records document parent or guardian consent for their student to participate in an activity or leave school during school hours. SD 19-23, 19-35,  19-56

End of school year

-8- Graduation and Transcripts Official transcripts document students’ graduation from high school and verify classes attended and credits earned.  Transcripts should note suspension and expulsion from school. Transcripts of students who did not graduate are included in this schedule.  SD 17-3


May be transferred to Archives

UCA 53A-11-907 (2007)