
Division of Archives and Records Service

Bond Records General Schedule Amended

Rebekkah Shaw
October 30, 2014

The General Schedule Update Project has updated a schedule which was approved by the State Records Committee November 2013. This schedule’s description has been amended to capture related records which must be kept for the life of the bond. The broader description is meant to include other records that may not be maintained or created by trustee or paying agent.

-Bonds Records-
These are critical bond documents that are used for the life of bills, notes, debt securities, debt obligations, or bonds. Included are book entries, statements and payment confirmations, application and certificate for eligibility, and related records.
SG 7-12, 7-14

CNT 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6

Retain 3 years after final maturity and then destroy.

This general retention schedule will be presented to the State Records Committee at their next meeting on November 13th. We welcome your feedback on this update by either commenting to this blog post, calling Rebekkah Shaw at 801-531-3851 or emailing [email protected] .