
Division of Archives and Records Service

Utah’s Records Transparency Websites Have a New Look!

Dylan Mace
November 15, 2022

Government records are the property of the state (Utah Code 63A-12-105(1)). The public has a right to open and fair access to records that are classified as public. At the Utah Division of Archives and Records Service, we take transparency very seriously. Our Open Government team maintains two important websites for the state of Utah: the Utah Public Notice Website, and the Open Records Portal. We are thrilled to announce that both sites have been updated with a new look for improved user experience.

Utah Public Notice Website

Utah’s public bodies are required to post notices of open meetings on the Public Notice Website. Public notices inform the general public of government or government-related activities which may concern their local area, municipality, county, or state. The statutes establishing this website are in Utah Code 63A-16-601. Learn more about public notice statutes.

This site has been in operation for almost 15 years with no significant updates or developments, although it has been growing in popularity. During 2022, the site saw almost 30,500 site visits per month! The updated Utah Public Notice Website went live on September 28th with expanded editing capabilities for owners and posters, and several minor improvements that will make the process of posting notices and attaching records easier. 

Open Records Portal

The Open Records Portal is a central site from which a user can submit a records request (also known as a GRAMA request) to a governmental entity. Over the past seven years of operation, it has had an average yearly growth rate of 158%! To keep up with demand, an updated site will launch in December. It will have a simpler and more intuitive workflow for both the public as they make GRAMA requests and for government employees who are responding to the requests.