
Division of Archives and Records Service

New General Schedule for Your Input

Rebekkah Shaw
March 30, 2017

We would like to propose the following general schedule to the State Records Committee at their next meeting on April 13th. This will be listed in the state general schedule, but may be used by any governmental entity to schedule their records. If you have any changes you would like to see to this general schedule, please notify Rebekkah Shaw at [email protected] or 801-531-3851.


DESCRIPTION: These records contain information necessary to undertake a complete investigation and are used to identify patterns of behavior, investigate claims, conduct internal investigations, and for other investigative purposes. Records may relate to the initiation, investigation, and disposition of cases, but do not include investigations of employees, criminal activities , or worker’s compensation, which have separate retention schedule.

RETENTION: 7 years after case is closed and then destroy.