Archives News

Featured image for “Utah History Day 2024: Archival Research Winners”
May 1, 2024

Utah History Day 2024: Archival Research Winners

Every year in April, 4th through 12th grade students from across the state embark on a research project for Utah History Day, part of the larger National History Day (NHD) contest. Students choose a historical topic related to the annual theme, and then conduct primary and secondary research in libraries, archives, and museums. The final projects are presented in one of five ways: an
Featured image for “Evidence of a Lost Architectural and Artistic Landmark: Salt Lake Technical High School”
February 6, 2024

Evidence of a Lost Architectural and Artistic Landmark: Salt Lake Technical High School

After the Salt Lake High School was established in 1890, it operated in a number of different locations before settling into the former home of the University of Deseret, located on the present-day site of West High School. In 1912, a building was completed on the west side of the same block to house the companion Technical High School, which
Featured image for “Highlights with Heidi: Utah’s Spaceport”
December 29, 2023

Highlights with Heidi: Utah’s Spaceport

The recent successful landing of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft at the Utah Test and Training Range[efn_note]Hill Airforce Base, Utah Test and Training Range,[/efn_note] in the West Desert near Dugway created a lot of excitement! But did you know that spacecraft landings in Utah’s deserts could have been a regular occurrence had history played out just a little differently? In 1971, Utah
Featured image for “The “Utah State Official Family,” 1946”
October 16, 2023

The “Utah State Official Family,” 1946

This is what the Utah State Government looked like just one year after the end of World War II. The population of the state was roughly 638,000 and the State Capitol was still the primary office building for state government. Governor Herbert Maw stands at the front of the crowd on the steps of the Utah State Capitol. Along with
Featured image for “Gone But Not Forgotten: Records Hold the Memory of Provo’s Mid-Century City Center”
September 29, 2023

Gone But Not Forgotten: Records Hold the Memory of Provo’s Mid-Century City Center

Long-time Provo residents may have felt a certain sense of loss several months ago as they watched the demolition of the familiar Provo City Center that housed city government for over 50 years. Completed in 1972, the complex was Provo’s first purpose-built city hall since the city government was formed in 1851. As with many city halls, the building was
Featured image for “Utah History Day 2023: History in Government Winners”
May 16, 2023

Utah History Day 2023: History in Government Winners

Every year in April, 4th through 12th grade students from across the state embark on a research project for Utah History Day, part of the larger National History Day contest. Students choose a historical topic related to the annual theme, and then conduct primary and secondary research in libraries, archives, and museums. The final projects are presented in one of five
Featured image for “Highlights with Heidi: The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition”
May 3, 2023

Highlights with Heidi: The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition

The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, also known as the AYP Exposition, was a world’s fair in Seattle, Washington, in 1909 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Klondike Gold Rush. It attracted over three million visitors to the University of Washington campus and featured exhibits from countries around the globe, including the United States. One state that was particularly involved in the
Featured image for “Coal Correspondence: Inspector Gomer Thomas and the 1900 Scofield Mine Disaster”
May 1, 2023

Coal Correspondence: Inspector Gomer Thomas and the 1900 Scofield Mine Disaster

This blog post was written by Jack Tingey, a 2023 Intern at the Utah State Archives and Records Service. Jack graduated from BYU with a BA in history and an emphasis on 19th century American history. On May 1, 1900, International Workers Day, Utah State Coal Mine Inspector Gomer Thomas searched through the wreckage of the Winter Quarters No. 4 Mine,
Featured image for “A Brief on Shorthand”
April 11, 2023

A Brief on Shorthand

People often use the word “shorthand” to refer to any manner in which they shorten their writing in order to write faster. For example, SMS systems on mobile phones in the late 1990s and early 2000s had strict character limits, charged fees for each message sent, and character input required multiple presses of keys on a very small keypad, which
Featured image for “Ann Eliza Webb: The Woman Who Divorced Brigham Young”
March 22, 2023

Ann Eliza Webb: The Woman Who Divorced Brigham Young

The Utah State Archives and Records Service holds vital records for the state of Utah, including birth and death certificates, divorce records, and court records. Sometimes when perusing these records, an interesting story emerges. In a District Court Territorial Minutes book, Records and Information Management Specialist Maren Peterson unravels the story of Ann Eliza Webb suing her estranged husband, Brigham