
Division of Archives and Records Service

Correspondence Webinar

Rebekkah Shaw
July 2, 2014

The Utah State Archives is hosting a webinar on Friday, July 11th at noon. The topic to be discussed is “Using the New Correspondence Schedules”. All records officers, and their supervisors, will benefit from this training. We will review briefly the process by which the new schedules were created, review the new general schedules and discuss how they apply to email.

The Utah State Archives is in the process of updating all general records retention schedules in order to have meaningful, relevant retention schedules that reflect current practices of governmental entities regardless of agency type. The end goal of the general schedule updates is to have everything under one state-wide general schedule. For this reason, all new schedules are posted under the state general schedule rather than creating duplicates under all four agency type schedules. This means that new general retention schedules apply to state, county, municipal, school district, and special service district entities. To reduce confusion and to assist records officers in finding the new schedules, when new state schedules are created we will add a hyperlink under former municipal, county, and school district schedules to the newly approved schedules.

The webinar on Friday, July 11th will be live using the online screen share. To register for the event, please register on the Archives’ website under Lunch ‘n’ Learn, “Correspondence Retention Schedules”, A link to the webinar will be sent to registrants one day prior to the event. Only an Internet connection is required to participate, a phone line is not required.

Bring your questions and concerns and we’ll cover as much as we can!