Jan. 07, 2025
November 12, 2014
General Schedule Updates to Website
There are four General Schedule types: State, County, Municipality and School District. You can view these schedule in HTML and PDF. As general schedules get updated, changes are reflected on these pages. When a new schedule is approved, there are usually older schedules updated into the new schedule. For example, this Bond Records schedule posted for your review on October
October 30, 2014
Bond Records General Schedule Amended
The General Schedule Update Project has updated a schedule which was approved by the State Records Committee November 2013. This schedule’s description has been amended to capture related records which must be kept for the life of the bond. The broader description is meant to include other records that may not be maintained or created by trustee or paying agent.
August 6, 2014
General Schedules for Your Input
As part of the General Schedule Update Project, the Utah State Archives is proposing the following changes to the general retention schedules for records management related information as well as construction records. We appreciate your input. -Information Governance Records- Records used in establishing and implementing records management practices. Included are inventories, finding aids, records management procedures and related information. SG
July 23, 2014
New Personnel General Schedules For Your Input
Over the last year several meetings have been held with human resource representatives and record officers from school district, city, county and special district offices to clearly define the contents of a personnel file. An attorney, the Government Records Ombudsman, and record analysts have also been included in this creation process. The following schedules are for the retention of the
June 6, 2014
What Makes A General Retention Schedule
With the recent attention on the proposed Administrative Correspondence general retention schedule, and approval of several new schedules, we thought it a good opportunity to share with our readers what general retention schedules are and their role in records management. The Utah General Retention Schedules are policies created and maintained by the Utah State Archives that describe a group of
May 20, 2014
Administrative Correspondence Retention Change
On May 8, 2014 the Utah State Records Committee (SRC) again reviewed the proposed correspondence general retention schedules for approval. The correspondence general retention schedules were originally presented to the SRC on April 10th, but were not approved. Instead the SRC provided some clarity to the proposed description and moved to have the schedules posted for another 30 days. The
April 11, 2014
Update: Correspondence General Schedules to be Resubmitted in May
Update: Correspondence General Schedules Up for Public Comment for an Additional 30 Days The proposed correspondence general retention schedules went before to the State Records Committee for approval on April 10, 2014, but were not approved. The Utah State Records Committee provided some clarity to the proposed description and moved to have the schedules up for review for another 30
April 9, 2014
Correspondence General Schedule Changes
As part of the General Schedule Update Project, the Utah State Archives has posted three schedules for public comment. The schedules are for the retention of correspondence and would replace the current general schedules for Policy and Program Correspondence and Transitory Correspondence. In an age where so much correspondence is conducted by email, a clearer definition of what constitutes permanent
October 2, 2013
Webinar for Student General Schedules
The Utah State Archives is hosting a webinar on Wednesday October 23th at 2:00pm. The topic to be discussed is “Using the New Student General Schedules”. All school district and charter school records officers, and their supervisors, will benefit from this training. We will review the new general schedules for student records and how to reconcile the new schedules with
August 29, 2013
Updated General Retention Schedule for Publications
An updated version of the retention schedule for publications is going before the State Records Committee in September. The new description is not a description of publications as much as it is a definition. It states simply, “any record, regardless of format, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that
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