Archives News

May 22, 2015

New GRAMA PDF on Archives Website

We’ve created a new PDF of the complete GRAMA law (Utah Code 63G-2), which PDF is available at (refresh the page if you see the old PDF). The new version contains: Updates with new legislation Links added for quick access to other laws, and between sections in the document Table of Contents added Indentation standardized for better visual comprehension Pages numbered Date
November 19, 2014

Three New Schedules for Your Consideration

As part of the General Schedule Update Project, the Utah State Archives is proposing three new schedules for your consideration. We would like these to be submitted to the State Records Committee’s December 11th meeting. First is Animal Control. There are currently 11 county and 11 municipal schedules related to animal control. Can they all be combined into one? The
July 2, 2014

Correspondence Webinar

The Utah State Archives is hosting a webinar on Friday, July 11th at noon. The topic to be discussed is “Using the New Correspondence Schedules”. All records officers, and their supervisors, will benefit from this training. We will review briefly the process by which the new schedules were created, review the new general schedules and discuss how they apply to
May 31, 2013

GRAMA Updates for 2013

          Each year as the State Legislature does its work it inevitably make changes to the Government Records Access and Management Act. Changes in 2013 amounted to additional records being identified as public, private, and protected, and the creation of a State Legislature email website. The State Auditor’s representative was removed from the State Records Committee and replaced by a second member
May 7, 2012

2012 Summer Training Events

To register for a training event, please click here. Salt Lake City, UT Providing Public Access to Government Records (parts 1 &2) 9:00 am to 3:00 pm May 23, 2012 August 22, 2012 Manti, UT Handling Office Overload: Basic Records Management (parts 1 &2)  9:00 am to 3:00 pm August 1, 2012 Providing Public Access to Government Records (parts 1
Featured image for “Legislature Updates Records Law”
March 12, 2012

Legislature Updates Records Law

     Nearly every year the Legislature makes changes to the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) or other state records laws. In the past, most changes have been quietly implemented. However, last year when lawmakers passed House Bill 477 the resulting public outcry prompted its speedy repeal. The public message was that Utahans want easier access to government records and not
Featured image for “2012 Records Management Resolution, pt. 3: Communicating with Your Legal Department”
March 9, 2012

2012 Records Management Resolution, pt. 3: Communicating with Your Legal Department

The first week of March is behind us, and the days are getting longer and warmer. Typically, we associate this time of year with spring cleaning; throwing out the old to make room for the new. Remember that records management resolution from January? We do. In part one, we challenged records officers to evaluate current records management practices in their
February 3, 2012

2012 Winter/Spring Training Events

To register for a training event, please click here. Salt Lake City, UT Controlling and Managing Law Enforcement Records, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm February 8, 2012 Providing Public Access to Government Records, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm February 22, 2012 May 23, 2012 Essential Records Protection and Disaster Recovery, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm April 11, 2012 What’s in
December 20, 2011

Keeping Everything? Applying General Retention Schedules

Utah has general retention schedules designed to assist governmental agencies in managing their records. These schedules provide a description of the records, a suggested GRAMA classification (public, private, protected, controlled, or exempt), a length of time that they must be kept (retention), and a final disposition for the records. The disposition of records falls into two categories: 1) destroy the
Featured image for “When a Note is a Record”
October 26, 2011

When a Note is a Record

With more than 15 references to the term “personal” in the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), it comes as no surprise that Utah governmental agencies struggle to apply the term to the records managed by their office. GRAMA references:  “personal use,” “personal privacy,” “personal notes,” and more. Yet, there is no definition provided by the law to guide