Jan. 14, 2025
October 1, 2018
The Nuts and Bolts of Records Management
The class materials for the Records and Information Management (RIM) Conference on September 11, 2018, are now available on the Utah State Archives website:  https://archives.utah.gov/recordsmanagement/event_materials/20180911-rim-conference.html The following are highlights from this year’s RIM Conference: Practical tips and solutions for your RIM program Implementing the General Retention Schedules (GRS) and your agency policy Email management practices Managing electronic records and ungoverned data Information

February 7, 2018
2018 Records Management Training Schedule
Utah’s Division of Archives and Records Service offers free records access and management training classes, webinars, and conferences to all governmental employees. Most classes are held in Salt Lake City, but we will have two regional trainings this year–one in Vernal and one in Richfield. We may also be able to provide training in your region upon request if you
August 6, 2014
General Schedules for Your Input
As part of the General Schedule Update Project, the Utah State Archives is proposing the following changes to the general retention schedules for records management related information as well as construction records. We appreciate your input. -Information Governance Records- Records used in establishing and implementing records management practices. Included are inventories, finding aids, records management procedures and related information. SG
July 23, 2014
New Personnel General Schedules For Your Input
Over the last year several meetings have been held with human resource representatives and record officers from school district, city, county and special district offices to clearly define the contents of a personnel file. An attorney, the Government Records Ombudsman, and record analysts have also been included in this creation process. The following schedules are for the retention of the
May 20, 2014
Administrative Correspondence Retention Change
On May 8, 2014 the Utah State Records Committee (SRC) again reviewed the proposed correspondence general retention schedules for approval. The correspondence general retention schedules were originally presented to the SRC on April 10th, but were not approved. Instead the SRC provided some clarity to the proposed description and moved to have the schedules posted for another 30 days. The
August 29, 2013
Updated General Retention Schedule for Publications
An updated version of the retention schedule for publications is going before the State Records Committee in September. The new description is not a description of publications as much as it is a definition. It states simply, “any record, regardless of format, that is issued by a governmental entity for public distribution at the total or partial expense of that
August 5, 2013
Micrographics: Duplicating Microfilm and Microfilm Storage
Utah State Archives Micrographic Services Duplicating Microfilm and Microfilm Storage Part 3 of 3 The micrographics department at the Utah State Archives is a full service microfilm department, meaning micrographics can develop, duplicate, and store both 16mm and 35mm films. Micrographics can also capture digital images to microfilm as well as produce digital images from microfilm and microfiche. The following
January 30, 2013
Register for Training
Utah State Archives Training The Utah State Archives training schedule is up-to-date and available for registration. Training sessions are designed to educate and support records officers in fulfilling their responsibilities as stewards of government records. This year we are offering: • Basic Records Management • Records Inventory • Records Access I: Public Records Requests • Records Access I: Public Records
January 2, 2013
Online Records Officer Certification Training is Now Available
Effective January 1, 2013, all records officers for the state of Utah are required to take annual Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) training. This training is to be completed online. The Utah State Archives has posted the required training to our website. 63G-2-108.  Certification of records officer. Each records officer of a governmental entity or political subdivision shall,
November 27, 2012
Still Time to RSVP for Unique Opportunity
Unique Opportunity Tour State Records Center Thursday, November 29, 2012 The State Records Center will open its doors this Thursday, November 29th for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held at 1:30 p.m. with an Open House and tours of the facility following from 2:20 p.m. until 3:40 p.m. The State Records Center is usually
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